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 | News: Sex Trafficking of Americans: The Girls Next Door |
Sex Trafficking of Americans: The Girls Next Door Vanity Fair
as celebrity activists such as Emma Thompson, Demi Moore, and Mira
Sorvino raise awareness about commercial sex trafficking, survivor
Rachel Lloyd publishes her memoir Girls Like Us, and the Senate
introduces a new bipartisan bill for victim support, the problem
proliferates across continents, in casinos, on streets, and directly
into your mobile device. And, as Amy Fine Collins shows, human
trafficking is much closer to home than you think; victims, younger
than ever, are just as likely to be the homegrown American girl next
door as illegally imported foreigners. Having gained access to victims,
law-enforcement officials, and a convicted trafficker, Collins follows
a major case that put to the test the federal government’s Trafficking
Victims Protection Act.
names of all victims and their relatives have been changed. Quotes from
Dennis Paris, Gwen, and Alicia are taken from court testimony.
called me a stupid bitch … a worthless piece of shit.… I had to tell
people I fell off stage because I had so many bruises on my ribs face
and legs.… I have a permanent twitch in my eye from him hitting me in
my face so much. I have none of my irreplaceable things from my youth.” —From the victim-impact statement of Felicia, minor prostitute-stripper enslaved by trafficker Corey Davis.
“Prostitution is renting an organ for ten minutes.” —A john, interviewed by research psychologist Melissa Farley.
you please write down the type of person you think I am, given all that
you’ve heard and read?… I’ve been called the worst of the worst by the
government and it’s going to be hard for you to top that.” —Letter
postmarked June 27, 2008, to Amy Fine Collins, from Dennis Paris,
a.k.a. “Rahmyti,” then inmate at the Wyatt Detention Facility, in
Central Falls, Rhode Island, now at a high-security federal
penitentiary in Arizona.
The Little Barbies
the Sex Crimes Bureau of the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, in
the pediatric division of Fort Bragg’s Womack Army Medical Center, in
the back alleys of Waterbury, Connecticut, and in the hallways of
Hartford’s Community Court, Assistant D.A. Rhonnie Jaus, forensic
pediatrician Dr. Sharon Cooper, ex-streetwalker Louise, and Judge
Curtissa Cofield have all simultaneously and independently noted the
same disturbing phenomenon. There are more young American girls
entering the commercial sex industry—an estimated 300,000 at this
moment—and their ages have been dropping drastically. “The average
starting age for prostitution is now 13,” says Rachel Lloyd, executive
director of Girls Educational and Mentoring Services (gems), a
Harlem-based organization that rescues young women from “the life.”
Says Judge Cofield, who formerly presided over Hartford’s Prostitution
Protocol, a court-ordered rehabilitation program, “I call them the
Little Barbies.”
The explanations offered for these downwardly
expanding demographics are various, and not at all mutually exclusive.
Dr. Sharon Cooper believes that the anti-intellectual, consumerist,
hyper-violent, and super-eroticized content of movies (Hustle &
Flow), reality TV (Cathouse), video games (Grand Theft Auto: Vice
City), gangsta rap (Nelly’s “Tip Drill”), and cyber sites (Second Life:
Jail Bait) has normalized sexual harm. “History is repeating itself,
and we’re back to treating women and children as chattel,” she says.
“It’s a sexually toxic era of ‘pimpfantwear’ for your newborn son and
thongs for your five-year-old daughter.” Additionally, Cooper cites the
breakdown of the family unit (statistically, absent or abusive parents
compounds risk) and the emergence of vast cyber-communities of
like-minded deviant individuals, who no longer have disincentives to
act on their most destructive predatory fantasies. Krishna Patel,
assistant U.S. attorney in Bridgeport, Connecticut, invokes the easy
money. Criminals have learned, often in prison—where “macking” memoirs
such as Iceberg Slim’s Pimp are best-sellers—that it’s become more
lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A
pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can
be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a “righteous” pimp confiscates 100
percent of her earnings.
read the rest at http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2011/05/sex-trafficking-201105
Posted by SMBerg on Tuesday, June 14 @ 14:46:04 EDT (52695 reads)
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 | News: |
Published in The Portland Alliance, February 2010
I have been a feminist a long time. First just a feminist, then a
liberal feminist, then a sex-positive feminist by my early 20s. To my
life-changing joy, I discovered radical feminism and I'm still in that
camp, but traipsing through my early 30s brought me to a new way of
working for women's rights. I am now a soroptimist.
Since last week I have been asking people if they know who the
Soroptimists are and what they do. Some folks had vague recollections
of community do-gooders, but most externalized the dialogue that ran
through my brain upon receiving word of the conference, “Sorop-wha?”
Soroptimist means “best for women.” They are an international
volunteer organization of professional women comprising more than 1,400
clubs in 19 countries who work to improve the lives of women and girls.
From microcredit to funding media projects and more, throughout the day
I heard astonishing success stories that convinced me they're not
bragging about that “best for women” declaration.
Soroptimists are the key constituents behind the Northwest
Coalition Against Trafficking (NWCAT), the official sponsor of the
anti-trafficking conference that drew a crowd of 500 to Portland's Red
Lion Hotel on January 9. Soroptimist International Northwestern Region
is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that has formed a coalition
of agencies, political leaders, community organizers, media and
business contacts throughout the Northwest to work against trafficking.
And mama mia is there trafficking in the Northwest.
Deputy Keith Bickford, director of the Oregon State Human Trafficking
Task Force, explained why Portland is a major slave hub in the United
States, “Lots of pimps have come to Portland because there have been
few prosecutions.” One pimp told him “schools are buffets” where
slavers can find teen girls to turn out by the bunch. Bickford blamed
the city's legal sex industry, lax trafficking enforcement, large
numbers of homeless youths, proximity to two interstate freeways and
seasonal farmwork, but highlighted the fact that pimps only provide
what johns demand. Research on Scottish johns from 2008 revealed twice
as many prostitute-using men identified themselves as politically left
than politically right (32% versus 17%). Portland progressives need to
stop smirking at the sexual capitalism that has masqueraded under
liberalism's aegis for too long.
Talk of building a shelter for prostituted girls has been
buzzing for about two years, but little headway has been made into the
enormous project. Greg Moawad of the Multnomah County District
Attorney’s Office used his session “Prosecution 101” to explain the
critical role of a safe haven in seeing traffickers brought to justice.
Prosecution is almost impossible without victim testimony, but these
girls are scared for their lives. “The very reasons she was selected as
a victim makes it hard for her to effectively prosecute them,” Moawad
reported. Between the arrest date and the court date, girls often run
away rather than go to court and face their enslavers. A shelter will
provide victims with the security and social assistances they need to
put these career criminals in jail.
It is easy to be against trafficking, tantamount as it is with slavery.
More difficult by far is to take issue with the trafficker's propaganda
machine: the porn industry. Criticisms of pornography that go beyond
jokes about bad music, fake breasts, and other purely aesthetic
offenses are anathema in Portland. I have reported on many
anti-trafficking events over the years and very rarely have the
educational sessions or speakers broached the topic of pornography's
influence on sexual slavery.
Imagine my delight when I walked into Esther Nelson's workshop
and encountered a slide depicting pornography as a form of sex
trafficking. Nelson was there representing the Sexual Assault Resource
Center (SARC) and she did a bang-up job explaining how porn stimulates
men's desire to use prostitutes. To separate pornography from
prostitution is to deny that women and children are often exploited by
pimps who can operate camaras. Men who pay to watch prostitutes be
prostituted on film are long-distance johns, and many move on to buying
sex locally. An increasingly pornified culture was Nelson's target and
she criticized the current valorization of all things pimp; television
shows like “Pimp My Ride”, feature movies like “Hustle & Flow,” and
songs like 50 Cent's career-making “P.I.M.P”:
I let em' do as they please, as long as they get my cheese
Even if they gotta freeze, or if it's a hundred degrees
I keep em' on they knees, take a look under my sleeve
I ain't gotta give em' much, they happy with Mickey D's
Later that afternoon, Soroptimist International of the Americas
President Cathy Standiford made a soroptimist out of me when she also
pointed a finger-o'-blame at pornography, “80 percent of prostitutes
say johns have shown them porn to illustrate what they want.”
Read the rest
Posted by smberg on Tuesday, February 09 @ 12:34:30 EST (11209 reads)
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 | News: Israel's fight against sex trafficking |
By Raffi Berg
BBC News, Jerusalem
Marina rarely leaves her two-room home in northern Israel these days.
She is in hiding - wanted by the Israeli authorities for being an
illegal immigrant, and by the criminal gangs who brought her here to
sell her into prostitution.
Marina - not her real name - was lured to Israel by human traffickers.
During the height of the phenomenon, from the beginning of the
1990s to the early years of 2000, an estimated 3,000 women a year were
brought to Israel on the false promise of jobs and a better way of
"When I was in the Ukraine, I had a difficult life," said Marina,
who came to Israel in 1999 at the age of 33 after answering a newspaper
advertisement offering the opportunity to study abroad.
"I was taken to an apartment in Ashkelon, and other women there
told me I was now in prostitution. I became hysterical, but a guy
starting hitting me and then others there raped me.
"I was then taken to a place where they sold me - just sold me!"
she said, recalling how she was locked in a windowless basement for a
month, drank water from a toilet and was deprived of food.
That part of her ordeal only ended when she managed to escape, but the physical and mental scars remain.
Last year, the United Nations named Israel as one of the main
destinations in the world for trafficked women; it has also
consistently appeared as an offender in the annual US State
Department's Trafficking in Persons (Tip) report.
While this year's report said Israel was making "significant
efforts" to eliminate trafficking, it said it still does not "fully
comply with the minimum standards" to do so.
Like Marina, some trafficked women are brought into the country
legally, while others are smuggled by Bedouins across the border from
In all cases, the traffickers - as many as 20 in the chain from
recruitment to sale - take away the women's passports before selling
them on to pimps.
Sometimes the women are subjected to degrading human auctions, where they are stripped, examined and sold for $8,000-$10,000.
Sanctions threat
Prostitution in Israel is legal, but pimping and maintaining a brothel are not.
The law however is not widely enforced and few brothels are closed down.
In Tel Aviv's Neve Shaanan district for instance, just a short walk
from the city's five-star tourist hotels, brothels masquerading as
massage parlours, saunas and even internet cafes, fill the side
One such place even operates opposite the local police station.
There are bars on windows and heavily-built men guard the doors, which are only opened to let customers in and out.
Inside, groups of sullen-looking women sit in dimly-lit rooms, waiting for their next client.
Foreign women fetch the highest prices, with trafficked women forced to work up to 18 hours a day.
For years, the absence of anti-trafficking laws in Israel meant
such activity - less risky and often more profitable than trafficking
drugs or arms - went unchecked.
"During the first 10 years of trafficking, Israel did absolutely
nothing," said Nomi Levenkron, of the Migrant Workers' Hotline, an NGO
which helps trafficked women and puts pressure on the state to act.
"Women were trafficked into Israel - the first case we uncovered was in 1992 - and not much really happened," she said.
"Occasionally traffickers were brought to trial, but the victims
were arrested as well, they were forced to testify, and then they were
In 2000, trafficking for sexual exploitation was made a crime but
the punishments were light and its implementation was poor, NGOs say.
It was only after repeated criticism of Israel by the United States
- and the threat of sanctions - that authorities began to act.
Investigations into suspected traffickers increased, stiff jail
terms were handed down and Israel's borders were tightened against
people smuggling.
Changing tactics
Campaigners say things began to change for the better in 2004, when
the government opened a shelter in north Tel Aviv for women who had
been trafficked for sex.
It marked a change in the way the state perceived them - as victims of a crime rather than accomplices.
There are some 30 women at the Maggan shelter - most from former Soviet states, but also five from China.
"When they come here they are in a bad condition," said Rinat Davidovich, the shelter's director.
"Most have sexual diseases and some have hepatitis and even
tuberculosis. They also have problems going to sleep because they
remember what used to happen to them at night," she said.
"It's very hard and it's a long procedure to start to help and treat them."
Police say their actions have led to a significant drop in the
number of women now being trafficked into Israel for sex - hundreds,
rather than thousands, a year - and they say the women's working
environment has improved too.
"There is a significant change in the conditions that the women are
being held in," said anti-trafficking police chief Raanan Caspi.
"In 2003 we used to find women who were being raped, incarcerated
and suffering violence. In 2007, the situation is completely different
- they get paid in most cases and the conditions that they're in are
much more humane."
Now most trafficking occurs through what people like to call
discreet apartments and escort agencies. But the true picture might not
be so clear-cut.
Campaigners say increased police activity has also had an adverse
effect. Instead of operating openly in brothels, traffickers have
become more discreet, plying their trade in private apartments and
escort agencies, making the practice more difficult to detect.
"We've been keeping tabs on trends, in terms of, for instance,
prices of exploitative services," said Yedida Wolfe, of the Task Force
on Human Trafficking.
"Those prices have not gone up, which leads us to believe that the supply of victims has not gone down.
"While government officials are saying that their efforts have
drastically cut the number of victims in the country, the NGOs on the
scene really don't feel that's true."
Israel might well have turned a corner in its fight against the traffickers, but the battle is far from won.
Posted by smberg on Tuesday, November 06 @ 15:39:53 EST (4217 reads)
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 | News: International Justice Mission Receives $5 Million Grant to Fight Sex Trafficking |
Bill & Melinda Gates Funded Project to Focus on
Communities Where Human Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation
is a Significant Problem
WASHINGTON, March 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Human rights organization
International Justice Mission has received a $5 million grant from the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation to create a replicable model for combating sex
trafficking and slavery. The initiative, named Project Lantern, will allow
International Justice Mission to open a new office in a community affected by
trafficking. Where trafficking flourishes, victims are at greater risk of
infection with the HIV/AIDS virus. IJM will develop a model for working with
local law enforcement officials in fighting trafficking in that community that
will then be shared with stakeholders in the anti-trafficking community to be
replicated around the globe.
The global plague of sex trafficking is massive in proportion. The United
Nations reports that one million women and girls are newly trafficked every
year. In addition, the lack of choice that these victims have over their
sexual activity, together with poor living conditions, violence, lack of
protection, and no access to health care, all combine to create an increased
vulnerability to contracting the disease. Only rescue from their illegal
captivity will fully ensure that current victims are protected from HIV/AIDS.
Successful prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes will result in a
reduction of the overall number of victims of trafficking, in turn decreasing
the number of new HIV/AIDS cases.
"Traditional HIV prevention efforts are focused on helping people avoid
high risk sexual encounters, but there are millions of women and girls who
don't get to make choices about their sexual encounters and are left utterly
unprotected from the disease," said Gary A. Haugen, president and CEO of IJM.
"Project Lantern will provide hope and a model for success."
Helene Gayle, director of HIV, TB, and reproductive health at the Gates
Foundation, said, "The global sex trade not only violates human rights, it
also fuels the spread of HIV. Efforts like Project Lantern are urgently
needed to help fight sex trafficking and save lives."
International Justice Mission has years of proven effective experience
working with local law enforcement and other partners to arrest and prosecute
traffickers and others involved in the business of human trafficking. With
the funds provided through this grant, the organization will research various
regions with high reported rates of sex trafficking, and then identify one
region in which to start operations. The office will commence full operations
for three years, including undercover investigations, law enforcement
training, engagement and involvement, victim rescue, ensuring appropriate
aftercare and seeking perpetrator accountability. At the end of these three
years, IJM aims to have created a successful model that other governments and
organizations may replicate in their communities.
Why Project Lantern:
The name "Project Lantern" was chosen because a lantern was a symbol of
hope and freedom during the period of the Underground Railroad in the
antebellum United States. Slaves looked for illuminated lanterns,
strategically placed by a network of supporters in front of "safe houses,"
along the road to freedom. Similarly, Project Lantern strives to light a safe
path towards freedom for victims of modern-day slavery.
To schedule an interview, contact Emily Nichols: news@ijm.org,
For ongoing updates on the project, visit http://www.ijm.org
About International Justice Mission:
International Justice Mission is a human rights organization that rescues
victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery and oppression. A multi-
national team of law enforcement professionals and a highly qualified legal
staff conduct criminal investigations and collect evidence to rescue victims
and bring perpetrators to justice. IJM works to ensure victims have access
to quality aftercare that meets their broad and complicated needs. The work of
IJM has been featured on Dateline NBC, FOX News, MSNBC, CNN, and in Forbes,
the New York Times Magazine, the Wall Street Journal and other media outlets.
Posted by p2r9s on Friday, March 17 @ 17:36:24 EST (9183 reads)
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 | News: Take action: sign petition to fight trafficking for World Cup |
I got this today in an email alert from the UK anti-pornstitution
activists at Object. http://www.object.org.uk
Please sign this petition by March 8, International Women's Day.
Petition to fight trafficking during the World Cup
This petition has just been brought to our attention by the European Women's Lobby
content of the petition letter
Dear President Barroso,
Thousands of women and girls will be trafficked into Germany for
prostitution during the World Cup. I urge you as President of the
European Commission to take action, in cooperation with EU countries,
to stop this crime.
800,000 people are trafficked across borders every year.
90% are women and girls.
The majority are sexually exploited.
Celebrate the World Cup.
Fight sexual slavery.
Brothels are legal in Germany.
A massive increase in demand is anticipated with the influx of male supporters.
This demand cannot be met except through trafficking.
Posted by smberg on Thursday, March 02 @ 13:01:33 EST (4406 reads)
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 | News: Soccer World Cup Anti-Prostitution Campaign Kicks Off |
February 23, 2006
Deutsche Welle
The initiators of "Red Card for Forced Prostitution," seeking to fight
against an influx of prostitutes during the World Cup in Germany this
summer, launched their campaign in Berlin on Wednesday.Publicity in all
countries and announcements in the German media will seek to make the
public aware of prostitution "as a form of modern slavery," said Konrad
Freiberg, president of the German police union (GdP), which has joined
the campaign.
He said the demand for prostitutes would increase during the sporting event, which will attract millions of people to Germany.
Some 175,000 women
are already involved in prostitution in the county, according to the
German Protestant Church, which is also part of the awareness campaign.
Another 40,000
prostitutes, mainly from Eestern Europe, could come to Germany during
the soccer World Cup, several associations fighting prostitution
The tournament is to
be held in Germany from June 9 to July 9, and the anti-prostitution
campaign's name refers to the red card given to soccer players for
penalties forcing them to leave the pitch.
Sweden particularly concerned with trafficking
Sweden's justice
minister, Thomas Bodström, on Tuesday also voiced concerns to his
European counterparts about the risk of forcing women into prostitution
during the World Cup.
Bodström, a premier
league football player in the late 1980s, said he was worried that
"when you have a large gathering of people far away from home you tend
to have a rise in prostitution and hence in trafficking."
Prostitution is legal
in Germany but illegal in Sweden. Despite Swedish concerns, Bodström
stopped short of asking his southern neighbors to ban prostitution.
Germany has assured
all those countries taking part in the month-long tournament that the
issue of prostitution and other security concerns will be dealt with
and will not interfere with the event. "All measures are taken to
ensure that the World Cup will take place in a safe and civilized way,"
a German diplomat said.
Prostitution at the
World Cup and the implications it may have on the trafficking trade
will be discussed at a European chiefs of police meeting at the
beginning of March, Austria, which currently holds the rotating EU
presidency, said.
Posted by smberg on Friday, February 24 @ 17:02:30 EST (4152 reads)
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 | News: Slavery Slips Through Cracks in U.S. Policy |
(part one of two)
by Michelle Chen
Jul 5, 2005 -
Nearly sixty years after the international community declared it a
crime against humanity, slavery today is far from banished. Involuntary
servitude persists in developed and underdeveloped regions, and the
United States remains one of the major destinations for traffickers and
their captives. But according to activists and researchers, despite
recent progress in anti-trafficking policies and enforcement, what many
consider the basest form of human exploitation continues to thrive in
the US.
Pointing to inadequate enforcement of human rights laws, lagging
community awareness, and a dearth of resources for victims,
anti-slavery advocates say that behind the crime of forced labor is a
societal failure to protect the most deeply subjugated.
According to the research and advocacy group Free the Slaves, forced
labor is largely concentrated in illegal or minimally regulated
industries: nearly half of trafficking cases involve forced
prostitution, about 27 percent involve domestic service, and
manufacturing and farm work collectively account for approximately 15
Public awareness of the issue has risen slowly with the landmark
federal anti-trafficking law, the Victims of Trafficking and Violence
Protection Act, passed in 2000. The act provides funding for
anti-trafficking programs and offers legal protections for survivors,
including legal resident status. The legislation defines its target,
"severe trafficking," as the commercial trade of human beings for
purposes of labor or sexual services that involves "force, fraud or
But grassroots advocates for forced labor victims have a simpler
definition. "We use the word ‘trafficking,’ but that’s really a
euphemism," said Bill Bernstein, deputy director of the Texas-based
social service group Mosaic Family Services. "What we’re really talking
about is modern-day slavery."
Posted by smberg on Wednesday, January 04 @ 09:59:07 EST (3601 reads)
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 | 'I was raped and beaten. I lost the will to run away' |
By David Harrison
Irina Valinsky perches on the edge of her bed in a north London
flat and puffs anxiously on a cigarette. "Twenty-five to 30 a day," she
says nervously. The 21-year-old Lithuanian is not answering a question
about her tobacco habit, but about the average number of men she is
forced to have sex with every day.
Working at two flats and a "massage parlour" six days a week, she
charges £150-£400, depending on the time and services supplied - but
has to hand over almost all the money to her Russian pimp.
She is one of thousands of vulnerable young girls who have been
trafficked to Britain in the past few years from Eastern Europe,
beaten, raped and coerced into a life of sexual slavery. Last week, in
the Sunday Telegraph, I reported on how I was offered the chance to buy
a Romanian woman for £1,300.
Irina is typical of many of the girls brought to Britain from countries
such as Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Albania and Russia.
The explosion in trafficking has been fuelled by the expansion of the
European Union - many Eastern Europeans no longer need visas for
Britain - falling travel costs, criminal gangs exploiting any
opportunity to make big money, and a seemingly limitless demand.
Up to 6,000 women are estimated to have been trafficked into Britain in
the past few years. About 1,500 traffickers were arrested last year and
the Government and police are drawing up urgent measures to combat this
relatively new crime.
"There's always been some sex trafficking," said one Scotland Yard
detective, "but the trickle has become a tide." More than 80 per cent
of "off-street" prostitutes in London are now foreigners, mostly from
Eastern Europe, compared with less than 20 per cent 10 years ago,
according to recent research.
Like most trafficked women, Irina was duped into coming to Britain and
held under threat of violence to her and her family. She was "excited"
when she landed a job as a waitress in London, after replying to a
newspaper advertisement in Vilnius.
But, once in England, she was introduced to an Albanian who took her
passport and said he had paid £4,000 for her - and that now she would
be working for him as a prostitute until she had paid it all back.
"That first night he raped me, to break me in," she said. "I thought
about escaping but he never let me out of his sight. He hit me in the
face and his friends raped me. I lost the will to run away." After a
year Irina was sold to her current pimp.
The arrival of the girls from Eastern Europe has coincided with - and
fuelled - a disturbing expansion of the sex industry. Most end up in
the "off-street" sector: massage parlours, saunas, brothels, private
flats, and, increasingly, lap-dancing and other "gentlemen's clubs".
They are frequently sold on several times.
"The traffickers and pimps rule by fear," says Denise Marshall who runs
the Poppy Project, Britain's only refuge for women who escape from
their sadistic controllers. "The girls are totally traumatised. It can
take years for them to get back to anything resembling a normal life.
"These girls are victims but are too often dismissed as prostitutes and illegal immigrants."
Trafficking is "easy money" for criminals, says Ms Marshall. "Why
should they risk carrying a bag of heroin into Britain when they can
buy two girls, bring them in legally on the Eurostar and get their
money back in a week?"
The two-year-old Poppy Project, based in south London, is funded by the
Home Office. It can house 25 girls and is full. The girls who make it
to the shelter, usually after a referral from the police, have all
experienced horrific abuse. Anna, a Ukrainian in her twenties, was
raped at an early age and then beaten and gang-raped regularly, before
being trafficked to Britain to work as a prostitute. Maria, a Moldovan
was trafficked to London, beaten, raped, and sold as a prostitute three
The Government is using the EU presidency to draw up a Europe-wide
anti-trafficking "action plan" and will set up an organised crime
agency in April next year. "The fact that so many women are being
trafficked against their will has added a shocking new dimension to
prostitution," said Paul Goggins, the Home Office minister for serious
organised crime.
Senior police officers want to see a new offence introduced for men who
use trafficked women as prostitutes and say local authorities should
close down saunas and massage parlours that offer sexual services.
Det Chief Supt Steve Kupis, the head of Operation Maxim which fights
organised immigration crime in London, said: "Trafficking women into
prostitution is modern-day slavery."
There have been successes. Last month, two men were jailed for a total
of 36 years in Sheffield for auctioning two Lithuanian girls for £3,000
each at a coffee shop in Gatwick. Two weeks ago, two Moldovans were
jailed for bringing 600 women into Britain illegally and forcing them
into prostitution. On Friday at Cardiff Crown Court, a 21-year-old
Lithuanian claimed that she was tricked into coming to Britain for a
better life only to be sold into prostitution for £5,000 to three
Back at her flat Irina stubs out another cigarette. I ask her what
would it take for her to flee this life of sexual servitude. She stares
at a kitsch painting of a child on the wall and says, wearily: "I don't
know. It is dangerous. They would get me or my family. What else could
I do? Where could I go?"
• Some names have been changed
Posted by smberg on Monday, November 14 @ 09:11:38 EST (8395 reads)
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 | News: NY State Wants to Make Human Trafficking a Felony |
Filipino Reporter, News Report,
May 30, 2005
ALBANY, N.Y. — Last March, a Filipino-American Wisconsin couple — both physicians — was indicted for human trafficking for holding a Filipina as a domestic servant in their home for 19 years by threatening her with deportation, imprisonment and physical restraint.
Last fall, a 60-year-old Filipino woman in California won an $825,000 lawsuit after claiming she was enslaved and assaulted, working 18 hours a day, and sleeping in a dog bed.
And last month, federal agents broke up a prostitution ring in Brooklyn exploiting Asian girls.
They are among as many as 20,000 immigrants smuggled into the U.S. each year headed toward possible slavery or prostitution often through the major ports of New York, California and Florida, according to federal officials and a study by Florida State University.
New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer with powerful majority sponsors in the State Assembly and Senate wants to make the act of human trafficking a felony, as well as give prosecutors tougher and more effective laws than the current statutes used, including kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment. The law also provides a way for victims to recover payments for their physical, psychological and financial pain.
Posted by p2r9s on Thursday, June 09 @ 17:01:14 EDT (5322 reads)
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 | News: Japan cracks down on human trafficking, but sprawling sex industry is a toug |
Updated at 15:12 on May 1, 2005, EST.
TOKYO (AP) - Monica's life as a Tokyo prostitute was her own choice. Like thousands of others over the past two decades, she took what she thought was a good offer of lucrative work in Japan's multibillion-dollar sex industry.
But the Colombian woman had no idea of what awaits foreign prostitutes in Japan: debt bondage, sometimes violent working conditions, "fines" imposed by pimps or brothel owners for any attempt to escape - and an utter lack of help from authorities.
"The reality is different once you arrive. It's much harder than you ever imagined," says Monica, 31, a single mother who still works the Tokyo streets. She spoke on condition she only be identified by her first name.
Thousands of cases like Monica's are at the centre of a new crackdown on human trafficking in Japan, which was placed on a U.S. watch list last year, and again cited for trafficking in a U.S. human rights report in February.
Posted by p2r9s on Monday, May 09 @ 15:59:33 EDT (4696 reads)
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