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     News: Feminist Coalition Against Prostitution, new UK activist group

    Sexual PoliticsImagine a world where women and girls are not for sale. Now make it real.
    We are a coalition of UK Feminist individuals and groups who believe that prostitution is violence against women:
    • This is a UK wide group advocating a common approach to prostitution for the whole of the UK
    • We invite all Feminist individuals and groups, from all backgrounds, to join this Coalition

    • We are calling for the decriminalisation of all women, children and men involved in prostitution - and demand that all criminal records for loitering and/or soliciting be wiped so that survivors are not barred from employment branded as 'sex offenders'

    • We urge the UK Government, the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly to consider a Swedish style law to make buying sex illegal and to invest money in exit services such as housing, education & training, legal advice, welfare benefits and health care

    • We believe that prostitution is not inevitable - end demand
    We keep in touch via yahoo groups e.mail group - sign up online at: http://uk.groups.yahoo.com/group/radicalsister Please note - this list is moderated, membership is moderated. We are unfunded, we welcome donations to our campaign to build a world where nobody is for sale - to make a donation to FCAP please contact for bank details - londonfeminist@yahoo.co.uk

    Associated Topics

    Sexual Violence

         myth-heard by men
    It is the law of nature that woman should be held under the dominance of man. -Confucius (ca. 500 B.C.)

         ms-heard by women
    Why are women...so much more interesting to men than men are to women? -VIrginia Woolf

         SMBerg Links

         site dedication
    This site is dedicated to Phillip Michael Peck

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